Denne helga er det Oslo Open, ikke tennisturnering men kunst over hele byen. Billedkunstnerne åpner verkstedene og viser fram hvordan de jobber og hva de jobber med. Men mange har ikke et verksted de har lyst til å vise fram, av mange forskjellige grunner. En del av dem stiller ut i kontainere på Tullinløkka.
This weekend it is Oslo Open, not a tennis tournament but art all over the town. Te artists have opened their ateliers to show how they work and what they are making. But many artists do not have an atelier, of different reasons. Some of them show their works in containers at Tullinløkka
This weekend it is Oslo Open, not a tennis tournament but art all over the town. Te artists have opened their ateliers to show how they work and what they are making. But many artists do not have an atelier, of different reasons. Some of them show their works in containers at Tullinløkka
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